In our branding work we focus on directing and managing the perception of your brand. We identify ways to reach your desired market positioning and structure your brand experience so that it’s goals can be reached. We develop verbal and visual identity systems and also experiences that activate all senses. We implement these systems in all touch points in order to deliver consistency and coherence in customer relationships, essential aspects for your brand to customer connection.
Aligning your brand’s expectations with its real delivery is a vital point for the construction of the relationship between your brand and its customers. The understanding of your market positioning and brand perception through the public's eyes are indicators of that relationship and its management is fundamental to guarantee a longstanding brand.
New companies need to understand which brand they want to build and which market positioning they want to reach. In a scenario of new companies and products searching for market share inside an already established system it is necessary to organize all initiatives in one brand architecture that allows the company to reach its goals and potentiate the new enterprise.
A brand image that's disconnected from reality generates expectations that do not meet with the organization's delivery. This outlook directly affects the business’s growth due to the fact that it pulls away customers and weakens its market positioning.
In order to change a company's operating segment, either in operations or in customer profiling, it's crucial to have a strategy project that allows the company to shift from its current state to the new one with the best possible performance.
Brand is a sensation that allows people to have a relationship with an organization, product or person. It's a promise that must be fulfilled in all relations. Our performance in Branding consists in structuring such promise and helping your brand deliver it through all points of contacts and services.
strategy and positioning
naming and brand architecture
verbal and visual identity
sensory identity
brand experience
360 application
We can also help you with other fields of expertise